The History of Haughley House
Haughley House is a late medieval manor house with later additions, built just outside the outer bailey of the castle (only the foundations and the large moat remain) in the conservation area of the village of Haughley, which is listed by English Heritage as a site of National importance. The house has a priest hole in one of the chimneys and two passages (now sealed off) one of which leads to the church and it is the true centre of the Manor (Manorial Courts are still held) containing the original manorial records dating back to 1321 in the reign of Edward the Second. We also hold the survey book for Mary Tudor when the Manor passed into her ownership in 1554.
Among the other Lords were Ralph de Broc who murdered Thomas a’Beckett in Canterbury Cathedral and Thomas Tyrell who murdered the Princes in the Tower. Jeffrey Bowden is the present Lord (who hasn't killed anyone yet!)
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